The "I Forgot" Vacation

During our recent trip to the Midwest, several things were forgotten.  My husband, who never leaves anything anywhere it doesn't belong, somehow left his Rayband prescription glasses at a restaurant in Chicago.  Ouch.  (When he does lose something, he does it well!)  I wisely refrained from commenting.  A couple days later, I left my phone charger at the hotel we stayed at in Michigan.  Tom wisely returned the favor and said nothing.  From all collected reports, I've heard that we also left a pair of chonies and a Beauty and the Beast hair clip.  For five of us, I'd say that's pretty good.  But being home for the first time in several years, I realized I'd forgotten several other things:

I forgot how cool thunderstorms are - I love rain!  But I also forgot how bad the resulting damage can be.  My parents' area had hurricane-force winds while we were there, and 80 trees had fallen onto power lines just in their small town.  They were without power for a day, but many had no electricity for several days.  We had a stick-collecting contest when we got home :)  Kids will do anything if it's a race!!!

My parents' front yard had tons of small and large limbs

I forgot how adventurous travelling as a family can be.  We were a party of 14 for the better part of the week, which meant we always had a caravan of 3-4 cars.  On the second day of vacation, my sister's brakes went out, which resulted in a 2-hour detour at a restaurant just outside of Chicago.  Who needs the zoo when you have free refills?  Then two days later, the car we were driving to Michigan started smoking and refused to accelerate on the freeway with transmission problems.  This turned into about a 4-hour adventure in a location with no electricity or water for 20 miles around because of the storms the day before.  Thankfully, we were by a welcome center that (although closed) had a beautiful playground/picnic area.  The kids just thought we were taking a break!  A big thanks to my parents' church, who ultimately rescued us by letting us borrow their van-mobile.  What a lifesaver!!      

Never underestimate the power of a church van.

I forgot how cute kids can be when they're out of their natural environment.  Kinda like tigers, or elephants.  My adorable one-year old decided to take up screaming - at everything.  Move me from my spot?  Try to take my toy away?  Put me to bed?  Let my mama leave?  You'd better have earphones!!!!  Our five-year old was close behind on the obnoxious scale, as she took up the wonderful habit of fibbing to get herself out of trouble with grandma - several times.  Luckily, she's not good at it, and I pray she never is!!  

Look out, she's gonna bloooowwww!!   

Let's see...I also had forgotten how much fun it is to get wet!  My middle daughter, Hannah, is a little wary of things that splash and sprinkle without warning (she needs to get over that before she's a mom), but she agreed to go in the water zone with me in the children's zoo area.  It was so much fun!!  We stayed in there for about an hour, and I think the kids liked it almost as much as the zoo.  Of course, this was after the 2 hour this-car-can't-stop-we'd-better-pull-over adventure, so we were pretty hot and tired.
It was more fun than this pic looks, really is was.
But most importantly, I realized that in all the busyness of our day-to-day lives, I'd forgotten what good friends three crazy, squabbling sisters can turn out to be.


Just like my girls, my sisters and I couldn't be more different, but I know I'll never find more loyal and honest friends.  Thanks for a great vacation - love you guys!!


  1. Awwww . . . We love you, two, Liz-o! May your girls have even more great memories than we do!

  2. Sorry . . . that should be we love you TOO, Liz-o! My brain is still on vacation.


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