Playing Hard

I've been making more of a conscious effort to play with my girlies the past couple of weeks, while we still have lots of daylight and warm weather...and while they're still young enough to want me to play with them!  We've been having so much fun!  It doesn't take much to keep little kids entertained, and they love having their pictures taken.  Linking up with the Millers for Wordless Wednesday, here are some of my favorite pics from this past week:


 Playing wears me out!!


  1. Awwww, your girls are so precious!! I have three daughters too, and they are SO much fun!

    *Hopping over from Tanya's ;)

  2. Happy Wordless Wednesday!
    I am so with you on playing with our kiddos. Sometimes I think I am so busy I don't have time to stop and play but like you said before long they won't want to stop for us.
    Love the second photo of the hair standing straight up and the box photos are priceless.
    Thanks for linking up and have a fabulous fall day!

  3. They are so cute!! We love playing in boxes at our house too!


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