I Love Mondays...

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

...because I get to wake up and think about what to post for Miscellany Monday!!  Here are some little known facts about our family:

1} My youngest loves getting dirty.  I love this pic because she is trying to put her hand in the handprint stone made by her sisters last year for Mother's Day.  It just strikes a chord in me, like she's following the marks they leave or something... or maybe, she just likes dirt.

2} I love that my husband always comes running as soon as he hears a crash, a thud, or a "Help me!!"  Always.  I remember being pregnant and getting stuck under the bed while trying to get out the wrapping paper. Prince Charming was right there, pulling me out after he stopped laughing.  Then as I was still getting the hang of nursing, Linsey somehow got all tangled up in my hair, and I shrieked. Again, my knight in shining armor came bursting into the room to my rescue, along with the assistant pastor that he brought home for lunch...yeah. That's another story, with more shrieking involved :)

3} We are having a blast with water!  When it's 105, there's not much else you can do outside.  We have a little inflatable pool, plus we've gotten to swim in the neighborhood pools several times this summer.  Hannah always wants to go swimming, so at least once a day, I hear in a serious voice, "Mama, I'm feeling kinda swimmy-ish.  (She thinks it's a real illness) Can we go to the pool?"

4} In conclusion... 

This summer, I have learned that a lollipop will keep my child quiet for 5-7 minutes.  

 A box of tampons, however, will keep her quiet for half an hour!

Happy Monday!!


  1. that last one is absolutely hilarious and oh so true!!! ;) happy monday!

  2. how funny is that last pic! I love mondays too! it is fun to see what randomness everyone comes up with. love the new word...swimmy-ish:-)

  3. That tampon part cracked me up! Ha! I have a friend who needed to use a tampon, grabbed out of her purse really quickly & headed to the bathroom. She came back a few minutes later with string cheese. She grabbed the wrong tubular shaped item from her purse. Ha! Anyway, thanks so much for the nice message on my blog! Knowing that you wanted to give me a sunshine award is an award in itself.

  4. What a precious family you have! So fun! I found your blog through allied moms- & I'm so glad I did!! I'm a pastor's wife too:) I look forward to reading more about your family- as I am following you now.

  5. LOL!!!! Every thing you posted made me laugh!!! Especially the breast feeding one! We will have to swap stories some time...I totally accidentally flashed my senior pastor one day. I was also nine months pregnant...totally mortifying and it was a couple of months until he could talk to me. Long really embarrassing story...*sigh*

  6. This has to be one of the best posts I have read all day. I love all the photos and the last two photos just made me die laughing. Thank you so much for sharing this today!

  7. Hilarious, hilarious, hilarious, laughin my head off funny! I love the lollipop/tampon comparison, laughin so hard at that one! I love that your hubby comes runnin, no matter what...my sis-in-law was spoiled early in life by her older bro (my hubby), who comes runnin no matter what, he's a saint, I tell ya...her hubby, on the other hand, has been berated by the rest of us ever since she lit some candles before a nice dinner party they were having in her dining room and her beautiful, long hair caught on fire...she screamed, "My hair is on fire" and he never did check on her...his reasoning? He said if her hair really was on fire, she would have come screaming into the TV room where she knew he was watching sports...hhhhmmmmmm!!!!! Gotta love a man who comes runnin to your rescue, lol!


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