Stars in My Eyes

ummm...(sniffle)  I got my first bloggy award this weekend from a blogger friend named Candace, how exciting!  Thanks, Candace!!  It's the Sunshine award, and you're supposed to 1) post it on your blog (I saved the image and uploaded it), and 2) pass it on to 5 people who have brought sunshine into your life by listing them and a link to their blog.  Here are the people in my list, do stop by and check out their cute sunny blogs:

1) Blakley - anythingbutperfect @
2) Ms B -
3) Kelly -
4) Anne -
5) Tanya -

Thanks again, and I hope to be by your blog soon!  Leave me a link if you stop by and I'd love to see what ya'll are up to.


  1. Congrats on the award!! =) We are a Christian Mommy bloggers blog, and are your newest follower. We would love for you to stop by and meet other Christian mommy bloggers. =)

  2. Congratulations! You deserve it! Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

  3. Congrats! And thanks for passing it on to me! :)Very sweet! I always love reading your blog because the craziness and funniness that happens in your house is a lot like at my house! :)Have a great Monday!

  4. Enjoy your award! You deserve it. I am looking forward to visiting the friends that you have passed it along to!

    Have a great week,

  5. Congrats on your award and thank you for mine!! You rock!


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