The Lion's Share

I woke up this morning to this snuggly lion curled up in the crook of my elbow, sound asleep.  I'm not sure how or when she got there. (I must have been really tired!!)  When we finally sat up, Hannah smiled at me.  "Mama," she asked, "Will I turn into a mama like you when I get bigger?"  I thought about the implications of that statement...isn't there a time when we all realize we've turned into our mothers?

I smiled, "Yes, honey.  One day you'll get big and you'll meet a man, like Daddy, who is kind and strong, and you'll get married.  Then one day you'll have kids, and you'll be a mama!" (trying to drill this order into her little mind!)

"I hope Linsey turns into a mama like you too!"  she replied.

She scampered off the bed shortly after our talk, but that thought has stayed with me all morning.  One day, my girls will grow up to become mothers, and my parenting now affects the way they will raise their children.  What an amazing privilege and responsibility that is!

 I have to admit, this idea has affected my actions today.  Getting off the computer while I'm writing this to settle an argument...not losing my temper when Hannah spilled her drink - twice! because of the giant paws on her costume.  Our earlier conversation was a good reminder to me to be a more patient and consistent mom.  Why?  Because I know that one day, this little lion will turn into her mama, and I want her to be glad she did. 

Welcome Wednesday @ Take It From Me


  1. I loved this post. So sweet! And being a mama is such a joy and privilege! Cute little lion too! ;)

  2. Aww...great post! That lion is precious!:)

  3. These pictures are so cute! You are right about our little ones watching how we parent right now. This was a great post! The last picture is precious!

    Mama Hen

  4. How true that what we do now matters so much for the future. Thank-you for the sweet reminder!

  5. What a vaulable lesson your little Lion has taught us all today. I love all the photos, they are just to precious.

  6. That was a VERY good post. For real.

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