Moments to Remember I

Believe it or not, when you're with your children 24/7, and they're expected to learn academics mainly from you, there are frustrating moments once in awhile. A homeschooling friend of mine created a "Moments to Remember" link up to remind us to focus on the amazing benefits of homeschooling - watching your kids play together, focused time with each child, that pure delight when your child finally "gets it." Here are some of our moments from this week:

 "Q" is for Queen

Queen Nattie has recently started trying to create actual pictures and trace letters on our white board. She had a lot of fun this week making smiley faces and tracing lines. :)

 "Q" is for Quilt

 Hannah was so proud of her wrapping paper quilt - she made a different pattern on each line. I was impressed that she stayed still long enough to complete it!

We also took a trip to Grandma's for a quilting lesson. My mother-in-law is a wonderful seamstress and quilter; she has made beautiful quilts for each of us over the years. The girls loved seeing quilts that have been in our family for generations, and Linsey especially took right to quilting. Grandma enjoyed passing down her knowledge to her granddaughters, and me? I got to take a nap :)


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